Monday, March 27, 2006

I left my brain at the door!

It is definitely Monday....I was getting Riley in the car this morning to go into church to clean and stuff and I spent 10 minutes trying to find my keys. Doesn't sound like a big deal unless you realize that in order to lock the door as you leave the house, you have to have keys! I apparently made it out of the house, lock the door and then they simply vanished! I tried to call my husband to have him tell me that I had not lost all touch with reality only to get his voice mail! Finally I found them (after 10 minutes of feeling like a complete that how you spell that.....I'll get the hat and sit in the corner!). Great way to start of the week.
To top this off, I am feeling a little grumpy and realize that I am apparently PMSing. ANYTHING ELSE!!!!!!!!

The kids are back in school from spring break and so Riley and I have to get back into our routine. This morning he went to play with Jonah and Noah. It's so funny, if you ask him if he wants to go, when he gets up, he gets upset and says No but then later, after breakfast, he tells me that he's not crying anymore and he wants to go play! He is soooo funny sometimes....all the time. I can't say enough what a lifesave Suzanne is for taking him on Monday mornings! Things just get done so much faster without an extra appendage!

Speaking of funny...we were outside over the weekend (my husband and Cooper had the bright idea to have 4 of Coop's friends over for a camp out, tent and all, in the woods behind our house...that's a story for later!) and I had gotten Riley an Icee from the convenience store. He's walking around in the garage, take a big drink, looks off to the side a little and says, "MMMM, that is dericious!" We about fell down laughing. Where do they come up with this stuff. He will definitely be the class clown when he gets in school....Great. See you in the principal's office!


Kristy said...

I think it's been Monday all week, girlfriend! When you figure out a routine, please help me find one too! It's what I need, I know!

Riley's cute little grin when he knows he's said something funny just makes it even better. Dericious post!

Carolyn said...

my life is spent looking for my keys!!! I even have a hook on the wall by the back door!!! Lord, help us please!!

McDreamy said...

matt says i lose everything. i can't find keys frequently, but ask me where the quaigon jenn with the green light saber is and i can tell you "under the left cushion on the couch". you know, it's the important stuff. :)