Sunday, March 05, 2006


Here I am writing a blog about being a parent and I am still dealing with being a kid of sorts! My mom calls tonite and told me I needed to be careful about what I am putting in my info, pics, etc....and I know that she has a point but come on! Just read it and say "That is really cool" lecture (even if you're right, Mom), no worrying. I re-read everything to make sure that I didn't put in too much and I feel okay with everything....stop worrying Mom!

Okay, maybe adult is not so bad. You grow up and after years of having just a few close friends, in 30-something years, you realize that you are surrounded by Wonderful friends. Kristy, Diana, Suzanne, Carolyn, and so many from our church family make me feel so secure and loved. I get constant reassurance that I am a good parent, I can reveal my deepest fears and tell them that I had to bite my lip in Wal-Mart so that I wouldn't cry (long week with a 3 year old + monthly hormones). There are so many times that I feel so alone and I'm not. God has surrounded me with precious angels...friends. Usually when I feel the most alone, it's not because my friends have deserted me but because I have walled myself in. Thank you guys for seeing my flaws and loving me anyway!


Kristy said...

awwww, how sweet! your mom's not the only one, by the way! i figure looney's who want to know stuff can get it anyway, with or without the blog...

Carolyn said...

Oh my goodness!! My mom is paranoid too!! What is it with moms with 30 something children!!

McDreamy said...

we're here to share our "we're the worst mom of the week" stories with you anytime you need a little boost. :)