Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Please tell me that someone else can sympathize with me. I hated school. I hated cliques. I hated stuck-up girls. I hated stuck-up guys. I hated people that always thought they were better than me because they had "the jeans", the shirt with"the polo rider"or "the alligator" blah, blah, blah. Society has created a world where just being a nice person is never enough. You have to have the best of everything, drink, party, be permiscuous and nasty to everyone in order to be accepted. I don't think that there probably is anyone in any generation, any age that hasn't had to deal with that and now I have a 15 year old daughter who just wants everyone to like her. Not that some of her issues aren't self-generated but I just don't understand how people can be so hateful and have no sense of remorse or a conscience. How do you conspire to hurt someone on purpose? How do you look that person in the eye and say that you are their friend? How do you injure someone's very being just like you would step on a bug? What is especially bad is that those that hurt her are "christians". Isn't that the way of the world. I would rather have a non-christian spit in my face than to have someone who carries Christ's name like a banner do the same. At least one has an "excuse" for being a heathen. I won't go into specifics of what happened but I just ask that all of you reading this will stop and say a prayer for my little girl and that you specifically ask God to bring her a true friend. Someone who will accept her, faults and all, and not be afraid to hold her accountable for her actions and words. Someone who can be mad at her, not stab her in the back and offer her forgiveness. Someone who will be a Christ light for her in this dark, ugly world. It's days like this that you wonder why you bring children into this hateful life and subject them to Satan's world. So many tears to cry. So many hurt souls. So many kids who don't have someone to tell them that this too shall pass and you will come out on the stronger side of it, God is using this as a teaching moment and in a few days or weeks you won't even remember why you cried. I don't want my daughter to carry with her the things that I carried with me, from school, for so long. I want her to have awesome memories of fun and laughterand a friend to share those memories with. Please pray. Pray. Pray.

1 comment:

Sugar-n-Spice said...

yes, i hated school....with a capital H. i'm sorry she's having such a hard time....i'll be praying for her. and you.