Thursday, March 08, 2007


I feel like the old maid in my group of friends. I have a 15 year old and everyone else has kids that are at or below the age of my 10 year old. It's hard to ask advice about a teenager when no one else has one. We were all teenagers but its still different when you're trying to explain things to your own teenage children. We are still in the ongoing saga I blogged about last time...only now its getting verbally abusive. I wish that I could give my daughter my wisdom and she would understand (I know that there are others that will read this that know exactly what I'm saying). I don't know why kids can't figure out how to mind their own business and then when they know something just keep their mouths shut...but wait....I think I sometimes still have a problem with that! The girls that Jo was having trouble with came up to her today after I left her school and told her that she needed to mind her own #&$!* business, blah, blah, blah. I do agree that she should just keep her mouth shut (I told her that blabbing about the girls that wronged her made her no better than them...but did she listen?). It wasn't just that one girl said was the fact that the "group" had to come and lend moral support I guess. I remember how scary it was to think that you might get your butt kicked when I was in school, so all afternoon I have been stressing thinking that something will happen. (She called me from school, crying, telling me what was said and who said it.) She did just text me and tell me that they talked but didn't go into detail so I'm sure I'll hear about it after school. I think I like the way boys handle their disputes better sometimes. Boys get --issed and knock the crap out of one another and then it's over. Girls have to be vendictive and hateful and will remember until the end of time that you wronged them. We are such back biters! Lord, give me strength!!!!!

Onto the child who will truly put me in the NUT HOUSE! Boogie already got a note home from school, like within the first 3 weeks, and now we've gotten another. He got into it with another little boy (this one has some behavior issues himself....I'm not trying to save face...he really does!) and he proceeded to call him a "butthead" and a "buttcrack"! I am so thankful that I have older children to teach my 4 year old all of the appropriate things to say. I have been so blessed with a child that is bright and can remember so many "good" things. I am still wondering why I'M being punished for all of the trouble that Ronny caused. (You all know that Ronny caused a lot of H-E-double hockey sticks in his day!!!!) Boog is in this phase about stomping around, kicking things and mumbling under his breath but apparently Tuesday there was no mumbling about it. I will survive my children, I will survive my children, will I survive my children?


Sugar-n-Spice said...

i'm not sure you will survive, you know, crack kills!

Kevin Stoxe said...

Teenager Problems.... We've been through one already, and now going through another one. It's a constant On-going drama. I believe that all teenagers are Bi-polar. They're on top of the world one minute, and then, their life is upside down. What's up with that.
By the way. I'm pretty sure that Riley probably didn't learn his cut-down slang from your older children. I feel it probably came from the father. LOL.

Later. Kevin