Friday, August 25, 2006


Say hello to the two 16 year olds we had in our home for 11 days. Zeke is on the left, Coop in the middle and "Pitts" (Clint) is on the right. They played on the Texas team during the 16 year old World Series. We endured 2 extra boys, 100 degree weather, sweating, long ballgames, disappointments the first 2 games, late nights, lots of eating out, exhaustion, some more sweating (wring out you underware, sweating), laundry, get the drift. Our team ended up in the championship game (the underdogs) and only lost by 2 runs. We were so proud of them! Zeke is a great kid who has 5 brothers, 1 sister and his mom homeschools them all...I just kept telling her "God Bless You!" Pitts was Riley in a 16 year old body. The funny thing about it was that I really connected more with Pitts and he drove me crazy! Just obnoxious! The sad thing was that at the end of the 11 days I was so ready for them to go home and then once it was time for them to go I got all misty! I have issues!!!! I will say that this experience has given me a greater appreciation for my family. They drive me crazy but I have great kids, who know how to behave...for the most part...out in public. Having a 16 year old who you have to get on constantly puts things in perspective!!!!

The kids are back in school and routine has taken over. Thank you Lord Jesus for routine. We get up at a normal time, take a nap, pick up kids, and then the miscellaneous starts (cheerleading, Junior league football, church, etc, etc) but it is routine none the less! I guess I never realized just how much I thrive on that. I feel semi-human again...although the morning thing is killing me. I am not a nap person but I'll tell you what..about 1:oo I am snoozing on the couch while Riley is out! Guess I'm getting old.

Is anyone else freaking out because their child is getting so grown-up?!?!? Jordyn is so beautiful! She started high school and in only 4 years she will leave for college:( Where has the time gone? I guess I blinked and life sped past me. She will be turning 15, getting her driver's permit (I have now given you all fair warning), she's a cheerleader...she's almost an adult. She is such a great kid and we have grown to have such a good relationship. We had some rocky times when she was younger but now she talks to me about everything. I can't believe that she is mine and that by the grace of God I actually raised her right (you too honey, just can't believe I turned out to be a half-way decent mom)! She's smart, kind, God-centered, beautiful...I could go on and on! She wants to be a NICU nurse, have 2 children of her own and then adopt from China. She wants to go on medical missions! Where did this child come from?

Sorry, I am much time has gone by since I last blogged that no one will probably read this...lots has happened and so little finger stamina to get it all in!

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