Saturday, August 26, 2006


Tired of....
-being an adult
-being an adult and still feeling like a teenager in my head
-being afraid to say what I feel
-being afraid of confrontation
-being hurt by other's actions that really have nothing to do with me at all
-being anxious
-feeling overwhelmed by life sometimes
-being a procrastinator and not even realizing it
-worrying about things that I have no control over, knowing the Lord always takes care of things
-not trusting my Savior enough
-feeling crazy
-feeling insecure
-being tired

Pray for me.


Sugar-n-Spice said...

sheeesh, those feelings are in us all, and its nice to know i'm not the only one. . . .and as for the "pray for me" line, i will. right now.

Kristy said...

Brandy's right. I think most of us can relate to most of your list. I know I can! Hang in there!