Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Are you related?

How many times in the last few months have we heard this? Jo and I were watching Cooper's ballgame last week and the lady next to me looks down at Jo and asks me if we're related. I said "Yes, she's my daughter." and the lady said "I thought she must be your younger sister!" Talk about an ego boost. We have been getting alot of that lately....I can't say as that I mind all that much. I have decided that I am getting better with age. I finally feel very happy with the way that I look after 35 years. I wish I had felt this way in highschool. I would have had a lot better time. Age does such strange things to us. I weigh a lot more now, I have stretch marks, sagging boobs and grey hairs but I love me now...Thank you Jesus for letting me see myself the way that you see me....most of the time.

Things have been exhausting around here. Baseball, cheerleading, playgroup, church, more baseball, more cheerleading, cleaning the house, cooking dinner, driving into town 15 times a day....anyone tired yet?!?! I always have to laugh when my mother calls me and asks me if we did anything new and exciting this week. Does anyone have time for new and exciting. I'm lucky if I get done with the old and exhausting! I know that someday (its creeping up on me) I will miss all of the running around and having things to do but right now I don't know my booty from my forehead and most of the time I can't remember my own name!!!!! Give me an amen ladies!!!! I wouldn't trade a moment of my kids lives....just hope that by 40 I can still remember it all because it was such a blurrrrrr.


Diana Harton said...

Hey chick, that is a good picture. Jordan is very lucky to have a Mother that looks like you. She is a beautiful young lady and now she knows that when she grows up she will be a beautiful woman.

You should be very happy with yourself. You are beautiful, great figure, wonderful family and amazing friends (that would be me of course...lol)

Angelina said...

great photo Jeff! Maybe photography is in your cards? He hee. I suppose I will get to the point you are at, but so far we pretty much just ride bikes around the neighborhood! I am loving the start of this summer. I have a month off, and am enjoying it! Just remember one day they won't want you to drive them around! Your brave, I haven't had the courage to check for gray hairs yet!!!